Separation Of Concerns: Case Class Access Scope, Validation, And Derived Fields

It may not be intuitive why scope and validation are together at this moment. Let me explain why these two topics should go together.

Basic Case Class With Validation

The most basic form of case class validation looks like the following. It works well but may not be ideal.

final case class EmployeeValidated(firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String):

// Runs ok
val employee1: EmployeeValidated = EmployeeValidated("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")

// Runtime exception thrown due to "require(lastName.nonEmpty)" validation above
val employee2: EmployeeValidated = EmployeeValidated("Michael", "", "222-22-2222")

Separating Validation And Case Classes

We typically want the case class to just be a placeholder of data. Mixing up validation, calculations and data in the same place will make case classes larger and bloated. For this purpose we want to use companion objects eg

final case class Employee(firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String)

object Employee:
  val ssnToFullName: Map[String, (String, String)]  = Map(
    "111-11-1111" -> ("John", "Wick"),
    "222-22-2222" -> ("Michael", "Bubble")
  val fullNameToSsn: Map[(String, String), String]  = {case (k,v) => (v,k)}

  def fromAllFields(firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String): Employee =
    Employee(firstName, lastName, ssn)

  def fromSsn(ssn: String): Employee =
    val (firstName: String, lastName: String) = ssnToFullName(ssn)
    Employee(firstName, lastName, ssn)

  def fromFullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): Employee =
    val ssn: String = fullNameToSsn((firstName, lastName))
    Employee(firstName, lastName, ssn)

// The following 3 println() should print the same data
val employee1FromBuilder = Employee.fromSsn("111-11-1111")
val employee2FromBuilder = Employee.fromAllFields("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")
val employee3FromBuilder = Employee.fromFullName("John", "Wick")

Restricting Access To Case Class Constructor

Now the problem with the code above is that anyone outside this file can directly build Employee directly without validation. Ideally, we want to restrict this to guarantee data integrity. A way to address this issue is to add a private qualifier to the case class right before the parenthesis eg

final case class EmployeePrivate private (firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String)

object EmployeePrivate:
  val ssnToFullName: Map[String, (String, String)]  = Map(
    "111-11-1111" -> ("John", "Wick"),
    "222-22-2222" -> ("Michael", "Bubble")
  val fullNameToSsn: Map[(String, String), String]  = {case (k,v) => (v,k)}

  def fromAllFields(firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String): EmployeePrivate =
    EmployeePrivate(firstName, lastName, ssn)

  def fromSsn(ssn: String): EmployeePrivate =
    val (firstName: String, lastName: String) = ssnToFullName(ssn)
    EmployeePrivate(firstName, lastName, ssn)

  def fromFullName(firstName: String, lastName: String): Employee =
    val ssn: String = fullNameToSsn((firstName, lastName))
    Employee(firstName, lastName, ssn)

// The following 3 println() should print the same data
val employeePrivate1FromBuilder = EmployeePrivate.fromSsn("111-11-1111")
val employeePrivate2FromBuilder = EmployeePrivate.fromAllFields("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")
val employeePrivate3FromBuilder = EmployeePrivate.fromFullName("John", "Wick")

Now you won't be able to instantiate EmployeePrivate directly. You will only be able to do it through the companion object or any other method in the same file.

// Code from a separate file
import CaseClassAccessScopeAndValidation.EmployeePrivate

// The following will create a compile error
val employee = EmployeePrivate("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")
// method apply cannot be accessed as a member of CaseClassAccessScopeAndValidation.EmployeePrivate.
// type from module class CaseClassAccessScopeAndValidation_AccessAtempt$.

// But the following will work just fine
val employee2 = EmployeePrivate.fromAllFields("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")

Note: be aware that the case class convenience methods, namely copy, will not be available when you add the private qualifier eg:

// Code from same separate file as code sample above

val employee2 = EmployeePrivate.fromAllFields("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")

// Following code will generate a compile error
val employee3 = employee2.copy(firstName = "hernan")
// from module class CaseClassAccessScopeAndValidation_AccessAtempt$
// method copy cannot be accessed as a member of
// (CaseClassAccessScopeAndValidation_AccessAtempt.employee : CaseClassAccessScopeAndValidation.EmployeePrivate )  

In that case, you will have to implement the copy command in a method inside the companion object. Keep in mind the companion object has access to all the private methods of the case class and vice-versa.

Keep Derived Fields Outside The Case Class

We still want to stick to the idea of only keeping data in the case class and keep any logic outside of it. Same thing applies to derived fields (fields that are a calculation of other fields in the case class).

There are at least 2 ways we can do this. Method 1: Create a class that extends the case class and a trait containing the derived field. And Method 2: Use scala extension.

case class NonFinalEmployee(firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String)

// Method 1 for adding derived fields
// Use a trait and extend Employee case class with trait containing the derived field
trait FullNameDerived:
  self: NonFinalEmployee =>
    def fullNameDerived1 =
      s"$firstName $lastName"

class EmployeeData(firstName: String, lastName: String, ssn: String)
  extends NonFinalEmployee(firstName, lastName, ssn) with FullNameDerived

val employeeData: EmployeeData = new EmployeeData("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")

// Method 2 for adding derived fields
// Use extension method and extend Employee with derived field instead
extension (c: Employee)
  def fullNameDerived2: String=
    s"${c.firstName} ${c.lastName}"

val employee = Employee ("John", "Wick", "111-11-1111")

Note: The author of this article prefers method 2 for looking cleaner and being more extensible. Besides, we can still keep the case class final as well.